ROBAX fire-viewing glass

ROBAX fire-viewing glass


Flat ROBAX® panels offer clear views and a long product life. These are available as random sheets or cut-to-size panels. Random sheets are 1,954 x 1,100 mm in size with 4 mm or 5 mm thickness, and serve as base material for cut-to-size panels. Cut-to-size panels are available in a wide range of sizes in thicknesses of 4 mm or 5 mm. They are fi nished according to your wishes, come with edge processing, and may have decoration or other specialties depending on your requirements. The clean, simple style of fl at ROBAX® panels delivers increased functionality. 

High-quality silky matt appearance. Minimal natural coloring enhances view of the fire.Manydifferent formats available, such as round cut-to-size panels. Special treatments also available, including decoration to hide construction elements or for design reasons. We can also provide boreholes, as well as inner and outer cut-outs.

Fire-viewing panels covers every situation – wood, gas and pellet fi replaces and stoves for inside and out.